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Are You A Good Candidate For Dental Implants?

Dental Patient Getting A Full Arch Dental Implant Procedure

Dental Patient Getting A Full Arch Dental Implant Procedure

As dental technology advances, so does dental implant treatment. If you are missing one or several teeth, you may wonder if you should get dental implants in Lafayette, CA. This tooth replacement option involves having a metal post placed in the gum and then having a natural-looking crown, bridge, or full arch placed on top of the post.


The Benefits of Dental Implants:

Dental implants provide several benefits over other tooth replacement options, such as:

Dental Implants may last a lifetime with proper care.

Dental implants are designed to replace missing teeth and restore the ability to speak, eat and maintain good oral hygiene. Dental implant patients can enjoy all their favorite foods without worrying about breaking or cracking dental implants.

Dental Implants look, feel, and function like natural teeth.

Dental implants are made of state-of-the-art materials that enable a dentist to design dental implants that look identical to the patient’s natural teeth. Dental implants function like natural teeth, which allows them to shift naturally with each bite, so patients will not have to worry about dental implants breaking or moving out of place.

Dental Implants can improve oral health.

Dental implants help patients keep their existing teeth healthy by preventing bone loss. Dental Implants replace missing teeth and allows your body to restore the jawbone where the tooth is missing, which helps maintain healthy gums and oral health.

Dental Implant patients enjoy life again.

Dental implants help patients feel confident about their appearance because they will not have to worry about missing teeth. Dental implants can help restore the ability to smile, speak and eat with confidence. Dental implant patients can talk and normally eat again without dentures shifting out of place. Dental Implants provide a permanent solution that allows patients to enjoy life again!


Determining Candidacy:

Although dental implants are an advantageous tooth replacement option, they are not the right solution for everyone. Dental implants are not suitable for everyone because some individuals have poor bone quality or oral hygiene habits, making dental implants harder. Determining dental implant candidacy requires consultation with a dental implant specialist who will examine your smile and the health of your gums.

In most cases, anyone who has lost one or several teeth is a good candidate for dental implants. However, certain conditions can affect a person’s eligibility. For example, suppose you smoke or currently suffer from advanced periodontal disease. In that case, it may not be a good idea to move forward with the implant process because smoking and periodontal disease can affect how well the implants will fuse to your jawbone.

When you come into our office to discuss the possibility of having dental implants put into your mouth, it is essential that you thoroughly explain any current or previous health conditions and any medications you are taking to a dentist. This will enable a dentist to better understand the current state of your dental health and determine whether or not the dental implants will be successful.


Looking To Get Dental Implants?

If you would like to schedule an appointment with our doctor, Dr. Andrew Ferrier, DDS, we encourage you to contact our office in Lafayette, CA and schedule your next consultation today!